Friday, June 11, 2010

Crystal (Bonus) w/ Medusa Cameo

Well...I'm still in the process of organizing that weeklong tribute but its not quite ready yet so here's some more filler material. Maybe it's thinking about the rare set of Orange haired girls or a reference to her sister in the Sole Keeper's latest entry but my mind has been dwelling on Crystal a lot lately. I guess there's no better way to get her out of my system than a tribute to her.

(Various webfinds of this Inhuman Hottie. The Lockjaw scene is an excerpt from Girl Comics Issue #2)

I really like Crystal a lot. Marvel has no shortage of strong, intelligent, beautiful women, femme fatales and heroines...but you'll be hard pressed to find a woman as sweet as Crystal. This character's kind personality can melt even the hardest of hearts. Added onto that she's really easy on the eyes too. Perfect girlfriend material. ^_^ I also have to say that Lockjaw (the dog in the above pictures) is a really lucky pet having two hot sisters looking after him like that. :-D

Ok That's basically all for tonight. Have a great weekend everyone and as usual...more to come soon. ^_^

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