I love how this female robot has a sense of humor. Kudos to Batman too!!!! :-D
(These were capped from the Batman:TAS 2 part Episode "Heart of Steel". A Massive Thank you to Juancho for letting me know about this episode.)
I actually tracked down this episode looking for another more popular Batman girl who has a barefoot moment in this episode as well* so the barefoot Randa scenes were a really nice surprise.
I'm beginning to think there's an unspoken rule that any Batman episodes featuring female feet have to be awesome. This set of episodes were classics too. Really action packed and intense from beginning to end. If you have the time...I really recommend watching it and the follow up episode to this story arc "His Silicon Soul". Robots rock!!!
Ok I guess that's it for the minor Batman characters but as usual...more to come soon.
Have a Great Weekend Everyone!!
*Something to look forward to in the future.
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