Monday, May 4, 2009

New One Piece Opening

Once again I find myself posting here in a hurry. With my finals in full swing...this is gonna be an extremely busy week. ^_^; Anyway, the new opening of one piece offers a little bit of a treat as far as Nami is concerned. ^_^

(A huge thank to the Legendary Master of Sole Shot Match25 for finding, capping and sending in these scene)

Talk about starting a show off on the right foot. ^_^ This hot peek at this sexy pirate's soles is guaranteed to increase One Piece's viewership tenfold.

Alright everyone I know I said I'd have a new wave of spotlights for you but I'm afraid I'll have to delay them just a little longer. I have have them ready next time for sure. ^_^;

Ok before I rush off to a study session, let me also give a really quick shoutout to Kyle Vero (AKA Daniel Wickie)...Happy Birthday Man!!

Next up...a couple of tributes to some of the hot animated women of Science Fiction.

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