Sunday, April 12, 2009

Lucky Star: Yutaka (Bonus)

*Takes a deep breath*After last night's post, I really don't know if I could take anymore cuteness. Well...I guess I can relax, there's no way anything can be cuter than that Minami picture from last night. I mean what could possibly be beat those ears and a tail? ^_^ Anyway, next up is the strawberry hair colored Yutaka.

(Once again a huge thanks to Lucky Stars fan Spoonorca for finding these really cool pictures on the web)

*Blinks* *Blinks again* *Rubs eyes and blinks several times* Did Minami somehow manage to slip into second picture? Are they wearing kimonos? Is Yutaka getting a piggy back ride?!! Is she giving us a nice view of both her soles in that first picture?!!!!!! *Rubs forehead and sighs* It really going to be a long couple of days.

I love how her flip flop is broken in the second picture providing a reason for the piggy back ride. It's a nice extra detail. ^_^

Anyway, more Lucky Star girls to come soon!!

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