Thursday, February 26, 2009

Enchanted: Giselle (Bonus)

I told you there was the possibility of more Disney bonuses in the future but I bet you didn't expect one so soon. Actually neither did I. ^_^ This special bonus comes courtesy of a tip from Sandmaster and some quick capping work from Match25 (our resident Master of Sole Shots). Giselle is exceptionally pretty. Enjoy guys!!!

(These were capped from the opening segment of Disney's Enchanted. Massive thanks to both Sandmaster and Match for finding and capping this one.)

That is one lucky Chipmunk. :-D With hot women like that walking around barefoot in Andalasia...It really doesn't surprise me that love at first sight happens there so often. :-)

Ok everyone...I'll keep things short for today. As usual...more to come soon!

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